# # Copyright (c) 2004-2007 - Consultas, PKG.fr # # This file is part of A2P. # # A2P is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # A2P is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with A2P; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # $Id: Flux.pm 3 2007-10-18 16:20:19Z guillaume $ # # Class to implement print object # package AFPDS::Flux; use strict ; use Encode 'from_to' ; use A2P::Globals ; use A2P::Syslog; use AFPDS::MODCA ; use A2P::Common qw( validate ); use A2P::Com qw( GetCom comINF ); BEGIN { our $VERSION = sprintf "%s", q$Rev: 1023 $ =~ /([0-9.]+)\s+/ ; } our $VERSION ; sub new { &Debug("new AFPDS::Flux v$VERSION"); my $class = shift ; my $self = { AFPDSFILE => shift , PAGEFORMATs => {} , LogoLines => [] , COPYGROUPs => {} , PAGES => 0 , FORMDEF => "" , LANDSCAPE => 0 , PAGEDEF => "" , LastChannel => 1 , OUTFILE => "none" , CHANNELNUMBER => 1 , CHANNEL => 'A' , MaxRepeat => 1 , LOGOS => [] , LINE => 0 , LINES => [] , PrintLineTab => [] , PrintLine => {} , PCLCOND => 0 , INSERT_LOGO => 0 , StartNewPage => 0 , ROTSEGMENT => 0 , CurrentPAGEFORMAT => "" , THREAD => shift , BADCHANNELALERT => 0 , JOB => shift , ERROR => [] , LOGOs => {} , OPENEDCHANNEL => 0 , COPYGROUP => "" , OPENEDPFORMAT => 0 , LOGO_INDEX => 0 , HAS_LOGO => 0 , PAGEFORMAT => "" , RESOURCE => {} , SELECTED_RESOURCE => "" , DefaultTRC => "\\FONtTrcA", LastDefaultTRC => "\\FONtTrcA", texpackages => [ 'afp2print' ] }; return bless $self , $class ; } sub Return { # Used to call Return member to be able to provide info to JobManager my $self = shift ; my $this = $self->{THREAD} ; $this->Return( $self->{JOB} => &GetCom( comINF, Conversion => @_ )); } sub getlineindex { my $self = shift ; return $self->{LINE} ; } sub afpline { my $self = shift ; my $cctrl = shift ; my $buffer = shift ; my ( $comment , $lsp ) = ( "none" , 0 ); # If no PageFormat still has been requested, we must load the first one # as default before output any line unless ($self->{PAGEFORMAT}) { $self->{COPYGROUP} = "%\n% No COPYGROUP defined" unless ($self->{COPYGROUP}); $self->{PAGEFORMAT} = "\\pageformatA{%" ; # This is simulating printing on channel 1, so $cctrl = 1 is implicite $cctrl = '1' ; } if ( $cctrl eq " " ) { $comment = "Space one line then print (single spacing)"; $lsp = 1 ; } elsif ( $cctrl eq "0" ) { $comment = "Space 2 lines then print (double spacing)"; $lsp = 2 ; } elsif ( $cctrl eq "-" ) { $comment = "Space 3 lines then print (triple spacing)"; $lsp = 3 ; } elsif ( $cctrl eq "+" ) { $comment = "Suppress spacing, then print (overstrike previous line)"; $lsp = 0 ; if ($self->LastLineMatch(qr/^\\PrintLineChannel/,2) and $self->{LINE} == $self->{MaxRepeat} and $self->{MaxRepeat} > 0) { $comment .= ", selecting new channel" ; my @insertlines = pop( @{$self->{LINES}} ); unshift @insertlines , pop( @{$self->{LINES}} ); $self->nextChannel(); $self->addline( @insertlines ); } } elsif ( $cctrl =~ /^[1-9ABC]$/i ) { if ($self->nextChannel($cctrl)) { $comment = "Print data to Channel #" . $self->{CHANNELNUMBER} ; } else { # Work around for bad channel selection $comment = "Space one line then print (single spacing)"; $lsp = 1 ; } } else {# Not an ANSI Carriage Control Character, # see table 1. p7 of Advanced Function Presentation: # Programming Guide and Line Data Reference &Error(sprintf("Got '$cctrl' (%Xh) not supported control char",$cctrl)); return undef; } &Debug("cctrl=[$cctrl], $comment"); # Compute Line Max repetition and switch to next channel if needed $self->{LINE} += $lsp ; # Start new channel when required $self->nextChannel() if (( $self->{LINE} > $self->{MaxRepeat} and $self->{MaxRepeat} > 0 ) or $self->{StartNewPage} ); # Insert Line spacing if necessary if ($lsp > 0) { # Update previous line spacing if exists if ( $self->LastLineMatch( qr/\\LineSpacing\{\d+\}%$/ ) ) { # We prefer update last Linespacing my $index = $#{$self->{LINES}} ; ${$self->{LINES}}[$index] =~ /\{(\d+)\}%$/ ; $lsp += $1 ; ${$self->{LINES}}[$index] =~ s/\{\d+\}%$/\{$lsp\}%/ ; } else { $self->newline( "\\LineSpacing{$lsp}%" ); } } # Is fieldAA is defined ? If no, just print the line as is if (defined($self->{PrintLine}->{'fieldAAstart'})) { my $buflen = length( $buffer ); my @fields = grep( /^field..start$/ , keys(%{$self->{PrintLine}}) ) ; map s/start$//, @fields ; # Just keep indexes which are in upper case for my $field ( @fields ) { my ( $start , $len ) = ( $field . "start" , $field . "length" ); # Check field definition from auto-generated library, needed to # detect bad converted Perl library if (!( defined($self->{PrintLine}->{$start}) and defined($self->{PrintLine}->{$len}))) { &Error("Found incomplete field for field $field"); next ; } my $readlen = $self->{PrintLine}->{$len} ; my $readstart = $self->{PrintLine}->{$start} - 1 ; # Check there is enough text in buffer to extract field value if ( $readstart >= $buflen ) { #&Debug("text for field $field starts out of buffer, skip it" ); next ; } # Check available text length from buffer for that field if ( $readstart + $readlen > $buflen ) { &Debug("Available text for field " . $field . " is not as long as expected ($readlen chars)"); $readlen = $buflen - ( $self->{PrintLine}->{$start} - 1 ) ; &Debug("Will read only $readlen chars from buffer"); } # Extract text from buffer and validate it my $text = substr( $buffer , $readstart , $readlen ) ; &validate( \$text ) ; # Don't print this text if there's only white spaces if ( $text =~ /\S/ ) { &Debug("Print new $field: length=$readlen, text='$text')"); $self->newline( "\\" . $field . "{$text}%" ) ; } } } else { &validate( \$buffer ); # Print a non formatted line if not empty $self->newline("\\PrintLine{" . $buffer . "}%") if (length($buffer)); } # Remember which channel is defined next time $self->{LastChannel} = $self->{CHANNELNUMBER}; } sub nextChannel { my $self = shift ; my $channel = shift ; my $startnewpage = 0 ; if (defined($channel)) { $self->{CHANNELNUMBER} = eval("0x$channel"); # Hex evaluation is correct # Start a new page on that channel if asking the same channel as # previous (default to 1), so this activate also the first page # (LastChannel default to 1) or if new channel is lower than previous $startnewpage ++ if ( $self->{LastChannel} >= $self->{CHANNELNUMBER} or $self->{StartNewPage} ); } else { &Debug("No channel selection defined"); # Use next channel on the pagedef (or next FCB in old logic) $self->{CHANNELNUMBER} ++ ; # Start a new page on channel 1 if no more channel in PAGEDEF available if ( $self->{StartNewPage} or ! defined(${$self->{PrintLineTab}}[$self->{CHANNELNUMBER}]) ) { $startnewpage ++ ; $self->{CHANNELNUMBER} = 1 ; } } $channel = $self->{CHANNELNUMBER} ; &Debug("Selecting channel #" . $channel ); # Check channel has been defined in library unless it's the first channel # (default) if ( $channel > 1 ) { unless (defined(${$self->{PrintLineTab}}[$channel]) and ${$self->{PrintLineTab}}[$channel]) { # If channel is defined, {PrintLine} must a hash, otherwise don't # select TeX not defined channel $self->addline("% Bad channel #$channel selection here"); $self->Return("Bad channel #$channel selection found"); &Warn("Bad channel #$channel on P1" . $self->{PAGEDEF}); # Only warn with max informations one time &Warn("Tried to select bad printline channel with pageformat " . $self->{CurrentPAGEFORMAT} . "during processing on " . $self->{OUTFILE}) unless ($self->{BADCHANNELALERT} ++); return 0 ; } } # Start new page if required $self->startnewpage() if $startnewpage ; # Del the previous line if not needed and fix channel block if ($self->LastLineMatch( qr/^\\PrintLineChannel/ )) { $self->deloneline(); } elsif ($self->{OPENEDCHANNEL}) { # Close previous channel $self->closeblock(); # Select default font if it has changed $self->{TRCFONT} = $self->{DefaultTRC} unless (defined($self->{TRCFONT}) or $self->{LastDefaultTRC} eq $self->{DefaultTRC}); } # Skip font selection when it has not changed undef ($self->{TRCFONT}) if (defined($self->{TRCFONT}) and $self->{TRCFONT} eq $self->{LastDefaultTRC}); # Open this channel TeX block $self->openblock() unless ($self->LastLineMatch( qr/{%$/ )); $self->{LastDefaultTRC} = $self->{DefaultTRC} ; # Authorize TeX to load corresponding channel definitions $self->newline( "\\PrintLineChannel" . chr( 64 + $channel ) . "%" ); # Initialize new known channel $self->{PrintLine} = ${$self->{PrintLineTab}}[$channel]; # Reset line repetition control $self->{MaxRepeat} = $self->{PrintLine}->{'REPEAT'} ; $self->{LINE} = 1 ; } sub addline { my $self = shift ; push @{$self->{LINES}} , @_ if @_; } sub openblock { # It's better to select font before opening the block defined($_[0]->{TRCFONT}) ? $_[0]->newline( "{%" ) : $_[0]->addline( "{%" ); $_[0]->{OPENEDCHANNEL} = 1 ; } sub closeblock { $_[0]->addline( "}%" ); $_[0]->{OPENEDCHANNEL} = 0 ; } sub newline { my $self = shift ; my $line = shift ; # Insert TRC font selection if defined if (defined($self->{TRCFONT})) { # Del the previous line if also and only a font selection $self->deloneline() if ($self->LastLineMatch( qr/^\\FONtTrc\w+%$/ )); # Insert TRC font selection if ( $line !~ /^\\/ ) { $self->addline( $self->{TRCFONT} . "%" ); } else { $line = $self->{TRCFONT} . $line ; } # undefine it to not select font next call undef $self->{TRCFONT} ; } $self->addline( $line ); } sub newlogo { my $self = shift ; my $logo = shift ; # Current document has logos $self->{HAS_LOGO} ++ ; push @{$self->{LogoLines}} , $logo ; } sub tex_logo_tag { "%%INSERT LOGO HERE" } sub addsegpath { my $self = shift ; my ( $path, $name ) = @_ ; # Add path only if logo is still not in our list push @{$self->{LOGOS}}, $path . $name . '.def' unless (exists($self->{LOGOs}->{$name})); } sub insertLogos { my $self = shift ; my $logo = $self->{LOGO_INDEX} ; &Debug("Inserting " . @{$self->{LogoLines}} . " lines for logos"); if ( ! @{$self->{LogoLines}} or $self->{INSERT_LOGO} > 0 ) { # Insert current logos if ( $self->{INSERT_LOGO} and $logo ) { local $" = "\n" ; if ( $self->{LINES}->[$logo] eq tex_logo_tag ) { &Debug("Inserting logos at previous position tag"); $self->{LINES}->[$logo] = @{$self->{LogoLines}} ? "@{$self->{LogoLines}}" : "% No logo inserted" ; # Fix logo insertion index $self->addline( tex_logo_tag ); # Keep logo index $self->{LOGO_INDEX} = $#{$self->{LINES}} ; } else { # TODO Check if this case happens some time &Warn("Not expected logo insertion detected (case #1)"); # Append logo lines to last inserted logo $self->{LINES}->[$logo] .= "\n@{$self->{LogoLines}}" ; } } elsif ($self->{HAS_LOGO} or ($self->{LINE} and $self->{PAGES})) { &Debug("Inserting logos position tag"); # Fix logo insertion index $self->addline( tex_logo_tag ); $self->{INSERT_LOGO} ++ ; # Keep logo index $self->{LOGO_INDEX} = $#{$self->{LINES}} ; } else { &Debug("Nothing to insert"); } } else { if (@_ and $_[0] =~ /^LASTINSERT$/) { # Called from the end: it's a very bad case # TODO Check if this case happens some time &Warn("Not expected logo insertion detected (case #2)"); # Append logo lines to last inserted logo local $" = "\n" ; $self->{LINES}->[$logo] .= "\n@{$self->{LogoLines}}" ; } else { &Debug("Inserting logos at current position"); # Normal case, just add logo lines to lines buffer $self->addline( @{$self->{LogoLines}} ); # Keep logo index $self->{LOGO_INDEX} = $#{$self->{LINES}} ; } } $self->{LogoLines} = [] ; # Reset flag rotsegment to default $self->{ROTSEGMENT} = 0 ; } sub selectDefaultTRC { # Set current default TRC $_[0]->addline( $_[0]->{DefaultTRC} ."%" ); } sub selectTRCfont { # This function analyses the second binary value from linedata # It is given as ascii code of a char my $self = shift ; my $TRC = shift ; my $font = "" ; &Debug("TRC font selection byte is $TRC " . sprintf("(0x%X)",$TRC)); # Ignore left most bits if higher or equal to 0xF0 $TRC &= 0x0F if ($TRC >= 0xF0); &Debug("Font still selected") , return if ( $self->{CurrentTRC} == $TRC ); $self->{CurrentTRC} = $TRC ; # We should not need more TRC fonts, and this skip considering 0x40 # often found and invalid value if ( $TRC < 20 ) { # Must be adapted as needed #if ( $TRC < 128 ) { #if ( $TRC > 25 ) { # $font = chr( 65 + $TRC / 26 ); # $TRC %= 26 ; #} $font .= chr( 65 + $TRC ); $self->{TRCFONT} = "\\FONtTrc$font" ; &Debug("Selecting Trc{$font} font"); } else { &Debug("Forcing default TrcA font selection as TRC byte is '$TRC'"); $self->{TRCFONT} = "\\FONtTrcA" ; } # Redefine default TRC when selecting TRC at the base document $self->{DefaultTRC} = $self->{TRCFONT} ; } sub startnewpage { my $self = shift ; $self->{LINE} = 1 ; # Remove any unuseful line spacing while ( $self->LastLineMatch( qr/LineSpacing/ ) ) { $self->deloneline(); } # Close current Page and open new one if ($self->{OPENEDCHANNEL}) { # Close previous channel if one opened $self->closeblock(); } # Check if we are closing the first page reaching the linemax limit # (COPYGROUP still not set to close a TeX block) if ( $self->{COPYGROUP} !~ /^}%/ and $self->{PAGES} > 0 ) { $self->addline( "}%\n" ); } else { $self->addline( $self->{COPYGROUP} ); } $self->addline( $self->{PAGEFORMAT} ); $self->insertLogos(); $self->{PAGES} ++ ; # Select last used font for this pageformat $self->selectDefaultTRC(); &UPSTAT('GETJOBPAGE'); &Debug("Composing page number $self->{PAGES}"); $self->{LastChannel} = 1 ; $self->{StartNewPage} = 0 ; # To close last pageformat as at least one is inserted $self->{OPENEDPFORMAT}= 1 ; } sub updateFlux { my $self = shift ; my $hashref = shift ; map { if ( ref($hashref->{$_}) =~ /^HASH/ ) { my $key = $_ ; map { $self->{$key}->{$_} = $hashref->{$key}->{$_} } keys(%{$hashref->{$key}}) ; } else { $self->{$_} = $hashref->{$_} } } keys(%{$hashref}) ; } sub updateEnv { my $self = shift ; my $hashref = shift ; map { $self->{JOBENV}->{$_} = $hashref->{$_} } keys(%{$hashref}) ; } sub toclean { my $self = shift ; my $toclean = $self->{JOBENV}->{TOCLEAN} ; $toclean .= ';' if $toclean ; $toclean .= shift ; $self->{JOBENV}->{TOCLEAN} = $toclean ; } sub has_pageformat { my $self = shift ; return ( defined($self->{PAGEFORMAT}) and $self->{PAGEFORMAT} ) ? 1 : 0 ; } sub orientations { my $self = shift ; return ( $self->{LANDSCAPE}, $self->{ROTSEGMENT} ) ; } sub issplitted { my $self = shift ; return exists($self->{JOBENV}->{SPLIT_TAG}) ; } sub getEnv { my $self = shift ; my $JobEnv = $self->{JOBENV} ; # Only return the requested argument value if exists return $JobEnv->{$_[0]} || 0 if ( @_ and defined($_[0]) ); # Update COPIES as it's not including first print $JobEnv->{COPIES} = scalar($JobEnv->{COPIES}) + 1 ; return join('', map { qq|| . $JobEnv->{$_} . qq|| } keys(%{$JobEnv}) ); } my $yes = qr/^yes$/i ; sub getstat { my $self = shift ; my $kind = 'P' ; # By default, it's a print my $env = $self->{JOBENV} ; if ( defined($env->{ISPRINT}) and ! $env->{ISPRINT} ) { if ( defined($env->{DO_ARCH}) and $env->{DO_ARCH} =~ $yes ) { $kind = 'A' ; } if ( defined($env->{DO_ESERVICE}) and $env->{DO_ESERVICE} =~ $yes ) { $kind = ( $kind eq 'A' )? 'E' : 'S' ; } } return ( $env->{JOBNAME}, $env->{DESTID}, $env->{PAGEDEF}, $env->{FORMDEF}, $env->{DOCNAME}, join('+',keys(%{$self->{PAGEFORMATs}})), join('+',keys(%{$self->{COPYGROUPs}})), join('+',keys(%{$self->{LOGOs}})), $self->{PAGES} * $env->{COPIES}, $kind, $LOCKID ); } sub deloneline { my $self = shift ; return defined( pop( @{$self->{LINES}} ) ) ; } sub LastLineMatch { my $self = shift ; my $pattern = shift ; my $index = $#{$self->{LINES}} ; $index -= $_[0] if ($_[0]); return 0 if ( $index < 0 ); # $#{} gives -1 when array is empty or undefined return ${$self->{LINES}}[$index] =~ $pattern ; } sub getoutbase { my $self = shift ; return $self->{OUTFILE} || '' ; } sub setoutfile { my $self = shift ; my $outfile = shift ; &Debug("Updating OUTFILE='$self->{OUTFILE}' with '$outfile'"); $self->{OUTFILE} = $outfile ; } sub setTRCforTeX { my $self = shift ; my $texcode = shift ; return if (!defined($texcode)); return if (length($texcode) == 0); $self->{TRCTeXCode} = "\n" . $texcode . "\n" ; &Debug("TRCTeXCode initialized"); } sub setpagedef { my $self = shift ; my $pagedef = shift ; &Debug("Updating PAGEDEF='$self->{PAGEDEF}' with '$pagedef'"); $self->{PAGEDEF} = $pagedef ; } sub pagedef { my $self = shift ; return $self->{PAGEDEF} || "" ; } sub setformdef { my $self = shift ; my $formdef = shift ; &Debug("Updating FORMDEF='$self->{FORMDEF}' with '$formdef'"); $self->{FORMDEF} = $formdef ; } sub setpclcond { my $self = shift ; my $cond = shift ; $cond = 0 if (!defined($cond)); &Debug("Updating PCLCOND='$self->{PCLCOND}' with '$cond'"); $self->{PCLCOND} = $cond ; } sub gentex { my $self = shift ; my $file = shift ; my $line ; my $index = 0 ; my $pclspecial = "" ; # Add automatically EOL to each print command local $\ = "\n" ; # Set a localtime mark up $self->{TeXGenTime} = localtime() ; # Flush LogoLines if empty new page still exists $self->insertLogos('LASTINSERT') if ( $#{$self->{LogoLines}} >= 0 ); # PageDef and FormDef should right at that time push @{$self->{texpackages}} , "p1" . lc( $self->{PAGEDEF} ) ; push @{$self->{texpackages}} , "f1" . lc( $self->{FORMDEF} ) ; # Check if PCL5 will be generated to define some TeX special command # 1. \pclportrait and \pcllandscape must be set to insert usefull PCL5 # commands # 2. Bin/tray support, define the right \special commands to include # print specific settings if ($self->{PCLCOND} and ! $USE_PCLCMD ) { my $pcl5cmdpath = "/apps/afp2print/printlib/texlib" ; # PCL5 commands files path can be overided using PCL5CMDPATH ENV $pcl5cmdpath = $ENV{PCL5CMDPATH} if (defined( $ENV{PCL5CMDPATH} )); $pcl5cmdpath =~ s/\/+$// ; $pclspecial = "\\def\\SelectBinTrayA{\\special{" . $self->{OUTFILE} . ".trayone}}\n" . "\\def\\SelectBinTrayB{\\special{" . $self->{OUTFILE} . ".traytwo}}\n\n" . "\\def\\pclportrait{\\special{" . $pcl5cmdpath . "/afp2print_portrait.pcl5}}\n" . "\\def\\pcllandscape{\\special{" . $pcl5cmdpath . "/afp2print_landscape.pcl5}}\n\n" ; } # Check LOGO files are existing my $segment_libraries = "" ; foreach my $logo ( @{$self->{LOGOS}} ) { my $thisone = "\\input{$logo}\n" ; if ( -e $logo ) { $logo =~ s/\.def$// ; # Define image base if one exists as .def need it # TODO Add this to test "or -e $logo . '.tif'" when # TIFF will be supported for PCL if ( -e $logo . '.png' ) { $thisone = "\\def\\segbase{$logo}\n" . $thisone ; &Debug("TeX code added to enable PNG image loading"); } $segment_libraries .= $thisone ; } else { $logo =~ $1 if ( $logo =~ m|([^/]+)$| ); &Warn("Won't load $logo segment as not found in library"); } } # TeX debugging to be used in validation only my $TeXDEBUG = "" ; if ( $ADDTEX_DEBUG ) { $TeXDEBUG .= "\\def\\DEBUG{$ADDTEX_DEBUG}\n" . "\\def\\DEBUGPAGEDEF{$TEX_PAGEDEF_DEBUG}\n" . "\\def\\DEBUGOVERLAY{$TEX_OVERLAY_DEBUG}\n" . "\\def\\DEBUGSEGMENT{$TEX_SEGMENT_DEBUG}\n" . "\\def\\SHOWSEGMENT{$TEX_SHOW_SEGMENT}\n" ; } # TeX info my $DocInfo = "" ; if ( $ADDTEX_DOCINFO ) { $DocInfo .= "/Title (" . $self->{JOBENV}->{JOBNAME} . ")\n" if ($self->{JOBENV}->{JOBNAME}); $DocInfo .= "/Author (" . $self->{JOBENV}->{USERNAME} . ")\n" if ($self->{JOBENV}->{USERNAME}); $DocInfo .= "/Creator (A2P v" . A2P_RPM_VERSION . ")\n" if (A2P_RPM_VERSION); $DocInfo = "\n\\ifpdf\n\\pdfinfo{" . $DocInfo . "}\\fi\n" if $DocInfo ; } # Insert in first position default definitions package to load for archivage if (defined($self->{JOBENV}->{ISPRINT}) and ! $self->{JOBENV}->{ISPRINT}) { unshift @{$self->{texpackages}}, 'afp2print_archi_pre_def' ; } if ( print( $file "\\documentclass{minimal}\n", $self->{PCLCOND} ? "\\def\\pcloutput{1}\n" : "" , map( "\\usepackage{" . $_ . "}\n" , @{$self->{texpackages}} ) , $segment_libraries, "\\listfiles\n" , "%% \n%% AFPDS File: " . $self ->{AFPDSFILE} , "\n%% FormDef : " . $self ->{FORMDEF} , "\n%% PageDef : " . $self ->{PAGEDEF} , "\n%% TexGenTime: " . $self ->{TeXGenTime} , "\n%% \n" , "\\ResetLength\n" ,$TeXDEBUG , $DocInfo , $self->{TRCTeXCode} , $pclspecial , "\\begin{document}\\FONtTrcA% Default font") ) { &Debug("Output TeX header done") ; } else { return &Error("Can't output TeX header") ; } # Output all lines stripping and compressing some unuseful patterns if ( join('',map { print $file $_ } @{$self->{LINES}}) !~ /^0+$/ ) { &Debug("Output TeX Content done") ; } else { return &Error("Can't output TeX Content") ; } # ErAl008w fix support when only close last Pageformat is one opened if ( $self->{OPENEDPFORMAT} ) { print( $file "}%" ) if ($self->{OPENEDCHANNEL}); print( $file "}%" ); } # And add TeX end block to the output if ( print( $file "\\end{document}" )) { &Debug("Output TeX Footer done") ; } else { return &Error("Can't output TeX Footer") ; } return 1 ; } sub got5Achar { my $self = shift ; # Create MODCA object my $afpobject = new AFPDS::MODCA( $self, @_ ); # Check object my @err = $afpobject->check ; # Create object on no check error @err = $afpobject->create unless ( @err and defined($err[0]) and $err[0] ); # Report error as ABTERM if present or return 0 return ( @err and defined($err[0]) and $err[0] ) ? $self->ABTERM(@err) : 0 ; } sub setjobindex { my $self = shift ; # Index is starting at 0 $self->{JOBINDEX} = ( shift || 1 ) - 1 ; } sub set_resource { my $self = shift ; my $object = shift ; # Resource must be a MO:DCA object return $self->{SELECTED_RESOURCE} = "" unless ( ref($object) =~ /^AFPDS::MODCA/ ); # Keep a uniq TeX/LaTeX name if still not set my $texname = exists($self->{RESOURCE}->{$object->name}) ? $self->{RESOURCE}->{$object->name}->[1] : '' ; # Keep a resource number as expected for PCL macro ID my $number = exists($self->{RESOURCE_NUMBER}) ? $self->{RESOURCE_NUMBER} + 1 : 0 ; unless ( $texname ) { my $texbase = "JOB" . ( $self->{JOBINDEX} || 0 ) . $object->name ; $texbase =~ y/0-9/a-j/ ; $texname = $texbase ; my %existing = map { $self->{RESOURCE}->{$_}->[1] => 1 } keys(%{$self->{RESOURCE}}) ; my $index = 0 ; while (++$index) { my $tag = sprintf("%02d",$index); $tag =~ y/0-9/a-j/ ; $texname = $texbase . $tag ; last unless (exists($existing{$texname})); } } # Keep buffer reference $self->{RESOURCE}->{$object->name} = [ $object, $texname, $number ] ; # Select it as current resource $self->{SELECTED_RESOURCE} = $object->name ; # Update resource number for next resource $self->{RESOURCE_NUMBER} = $number ; } sub get_resource { my $self = shift ; my $name = shift || $self->{SELECTED_RESOURCE} ; return 0 unless ($name and exists($self->{RESOURCE}->{$name})); # Resource must be a MO:DCA object my $object = $self->{RESOURCE}->{$name}->[0] ; return ref($object) =~ /^AFPDS::MODCA/ ? $object : 0 ; } sub resource_texname { my $self = shift ; my $name = shift || $self->{SELECTED_RESOURCE} ; return 0 unless ($name and exists($self->{RESOURCE}->{$name})); return "InlineResource" . $self->{RESOURCE}->{$name}->[1] ; } sub resource_number { my $self = shift ; my $name = shift || $self->{SELECTED_RESOURCE} ; my $reso = shift || 240 ; return undef unless ($name and exists($self->{RESOURCE}->{$name})); my $number = $self->{RESOURCE}->{$name}->[2] ; # if a scalar, ref is false if (ref($number)) { if (exists($number->{$reso})) { $number = $number->{$reso} ; } else { # Set a new number $number->{$reso} = $self->{RESOURCE_NUMBER} ; $number = $self->{RESOURCE_NUMBER} ++ ; } } else { # Just initialize the number list by resolution $self->{RESOURCE}->{$name}->[2] = { $reso => $number } ; } return $number ; } sub ABTERM { my $self = shift ; @{$self->{ERROR}} = @_ ; &Error($self->{ERROR}->[1]); return - $self->{ERROR}->[0] ; } sub geterror { return @{$_[0]->{ERROR}} ; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; my @err = @{$self->{ERROR}}; # Free arrays memory map { $self->{$_} = () if (ref($self->{$_}) eq 'ARRAY' ) } keys(%{$self}); if (@err) { &UPSTAT('GETFLUXERROR'); &UPSTAT('GETFLUXERROR-' . $err[0] ); &Debug("Conversion object for $self->{JOB} destroyed with error #" . $err[0]); } else { &UPSTAT('GETGOODAFPDS'); &Debug("Conversion object for $self->{JOB} destroyed"); } } &Debug("Module " . __PACKAGE__ . " v$VERSION loaded"); 1;