# # Copyright (c) 2004-2007 - Consultas, PKG.fr # # This file is part of A2P. # # A2P is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # A2P is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with A2P; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # $Id: MODCA.pm 3 2007-10-18 16:20:19Z guillaume $ # ################################################################################ # # Class to select the right AFP objects # ################################################################################ # Management of $ident tag, cf doc folder: # ref #1: # see "Advanced Function Presentation - Programming Guide and Line # Data Reference" pdf file # ref #2: # see "Data Stream and Object Architectures - Mixed Object Document # Content Architecture Reference" pdf file ################################################################################ package AFPDS::MODCA ; use strict ; use Encode 'from_to' ; use A2P::Globals ; use A2P::Syslog ; use A2P::Tools qw( ms compute ); # Known MO:DCA objects as library use AFPDS::MODCA::Common ; use AFPDS::MODCA::BAD ; use AFPDS::MODCA::BOC ; use AFPDS::MODCA::EOC ; use AFPDS::MODCA::IDM ; use AFPDS::MODCA::IMM ; use AFPDS::MODCA::IOB ; use AFPDS::MODCA::IPS ; use AFPDS::MODCA::NOP ; use AFPDS::MODCA::OCD ; use AFPDS::MODCA::PTX ; BEGIN { our $VERSION = sprintf "%s", q$Rev: 1015 $ =~ /([0-9.]+)\s+/ ; } our $VERSION ; our $IDENTS ; sub new { my $class = shift ; &Debug("new " . __PACKAGE__ . " v$VERSION object"); my $self = { FLUX => shift || 0 , # Associated flux IDENT => shift || 0 , # MO:DCA identity FLAG => shift || 0 , # MO:DCA flags RESERVED => shift || 0 , # MO:DCA reserved LONG => shift || 0 , # MO:DCA length BUFFER => shift || '', # MO:DCA content buffer TEXBASE => shift || '', # TeX/LaTeX conversion base folder SUBCLASS => 'unknown', BORN => ms }; # Keep MO:DCA object count statistics &UPSTAT('MODCA-OBJECT-USED'); &UPSTAT('MODCA-IN-MEM'); return bless $self , $class ; } sub check { my $self = shift ; return ( 250, sprintf("MO:DCA X'%06X' identity not known", $self->{IDENT}) ) unless (exists($IDENTS->{$self->{IDENT}})); # Update sub class identity $self->{SUBCLASS} = ref($self) . '::' . $IDENTS->{$self->{IDENT}} ; # Auto derivation of ourself to expected AFP object bless $self, $self->{SUBCLASS} ; # Analyse flags and reserved fields return $self->check_flags if $self->check_flags ; return $self->check_reserved if $self->check_reserved ; # Really validate from validate member ob derivated object return $self->validate ; } sub check_flags { my $self = shift ; my $flags = $self->{FLAGS} || 0 ; # By default, flags is null with nothing to do return 0 unless $flags ; # Bit 4 set padding indicator, cf ref #2, p. 69-70 return ( 251, "Found unsupported MO:DCA padding format requirement" ) if ( $flags & 0x40 ); &Warn(sprintf( "Nothing to do with %08bb flags field on %s object", $flags, $self->{SUBCLASS} )); return 0 ; } sub check_reserved { my $self = shift ; my $reserved = $self->{RESERVED} || 0 ; # By default, reserved is null with nothing to do return 0 unless $reserved ; &Debug(sprintf( "Nothing to do with 0x%04X reserved field on %s object", $reserved, $self->{SUBCLASS} )); return 0 ; } my %triplets_length = ( 0x10 => [ 24, 56, 64, 96 ], 0x4B => [ 8 ] ); my %supported_oid = ( '06072B120004010116' => [ 'GIF', '89a' ] ); sub check_triplets { my $self = shift ; my $buffer = shift || $self->{BUFFER} ; my ( $index, $len ) = ( 0, length($buffer) ); while ( $index < $len ) { # Get triplet length my $tlen = &compute( \$buffer, $index, 1 ); my $next = $index + $tlen ; return ( 253, "Empty triplet found" ) unless ( ++$index < $len ); # Get triplet ID my $triplet = &compute( \$buffer, $index++, 1 ); my $id = sprintf("%02X",$triplet); return ( 253, "Unsupported X'$id' triplet found" ) unless ( exists($triplets_length{$triplet}) ); &Debug("Found X'$id' triplet in " . $self->{SUBCLASS}); return ( 253, "Bad X'$id' triplet $tlen length" ) unless ( grep { $_ == $tlen } @{$triplets_length{$triplet}} ); return ( 253, "Found truncated X'$id' triplet, missing " . ($next-$len) . " bytes" ) unless ( $next <= $len ); # Here we are sure triplet is complete if ( $triplet == 0x10 ) { my $zero = &compute( \$buffer, $index++, 1 ); my $class = &compute( \$buffer, $index++, 1 ); my $reserved = &compute( \$buffer, $index++, 2 ); $index++ ; my $struct = &compute( \$buffer, $index++, 2 ); $index++ ; my @oid = map { &compute( \$buffer, $index++, 1 ) } 1..16 ; while ( ! $oid[$#oid] ) { pop @oid }; # Strip last zeros my $oid = join( '', map { sprintf("%02X",$_) } @oid ) ; return ( 253, "Unsupported $oid OID found in X'$id' triplet for " . $self->{SUBCLASS} . " object" ) unless (exists($supported_oid{$oid})); my ( $format, $version ) = @{$supported_oid{$oid}} ; if ( $tlen > 24 ) { # Just log given format resource, revision and owner as debug my $thisformat = substr( $buffer, $index, 32 ); my ( $revision, $owner ) = ( $version, 'unknown' ); $thisformat = $self->convert( $thisformat ); $index += 32 ; if ( $tlen > 56 ) { $revision = substr( $buffer, $index, 8 ); $revision = $self->convert( $revision ); $index += 8 ; if ( $tlen > 64 ) { $owner = substr( $buffer, $index, 32 ); $owner = $self->convert( $owner ); $index += 32 ; } } &Debug("Found $thisformat resource rev$revision from " . $owner . " with $oid OID"); } # Check values return ( 253, "Byte at offset 2 must be zero in X'$id' triplet" ) if ($zero); return ( 253, "Bytes at offset 4-5 must be zero in X'$id' triplet" ) if ($reserved); return ( 253, "Unsupported $class class in X'$id' triplet" ) unless ( $class == 0x01 ); return ( 253, "Unsupported $struct structure in X'$id' triplet" ) unless ( $struct == 0xDC00 or $struct == 0xA800 ); # Update ourself $self->{OID} = $oid ; $self->{CLASS} = $class ; $self->{STRUCT} = $struct ; $self->{FORMAT} = $format ; $self->{VERSION} = $version ; } elsif ( $triplet == 0x4B ) { my $xbase = &compute( \$buffer, $index++, 1 ); my $ybase = &compute( \$buffer, $index++, 1 ); my $xunit = &compute( \$buffer, $index++, 2 ); $index++ ; my $yunit = &compute( \$buffer, $index++, 2 ); $index++ ; # Check values return ( 253, "Only 0x00 or 0x01 are supported as X base unit in X'" . $id . "' triplet, but found 0x" . sprintf("%02X",$xbase) ) if ( $xbase < 0 or $xbase > 1 ); return ( 253, "Only 0x00 or 0x01 are supported as Y base unit in X'" . $id . "' triplet, but found 0x" . sprintf("%02X",$ybase) ) if ( $ybase < 0 or $ybase > 1 ); return ( 253, "X units not in range [1-32767] in X'$id' triplet" ) if ( $xunit < 1 or $xunit > 32767 ); return ( 253, "Y units not in range [1-32767] in X'$id' triplet" ) if ( $yunit < 1 or $yunit > 32767 ); # Calculate resolutions in 'dpi' as TeX/LaTeX unit my $ptbyteninch = 722.7 ; # Number of TeX Points in 10 inch my $ptbytencm = 284.527559 ; # result of ptbyteninch/ '2.54 cm/in' # Found the number of inch as specified in base # 10 cm = 10 / 2.54 = 3.937008 inches $xbase = $xbase ? 3.937008 : 10 ; $ybase = $ybase ? 3.937008 : 10 ; # Get resolutions $xunit /= $xbase ; $yunit /= $ybase ; return ( 253, "Doesn't support X,Y different resolutions in X'$id' triplet" ) unless ( $xunit == $yunit ); # Keep results $self->{RESOLUTION} = int($xunit) ; } else { return ( 253, "Can't analyse X'$id' triplet" ); } # Control analysis is correct return ( 253, "Bad analysis of X'$id' triplet ($index vs $next)" ) unless ( $index == $next ); } return () ; } # Private member to override to specify supported triplets sub _supported_triplets { # Return 2 array refs of supported triplets, first is mandatory, then not return [], [] ; } sub get_from_buffer { my $self = shift ; return &compute( \$self->{BUFFER}, @_ ); } sub convert { my $self = shift ; my $buffer = shift || $self->{BUFFER} ; &from_to( $buffer , $FROM_CONVERT , $TO_CONVERT ) if ($DO_CONVERT); $buffer =~ s/\s+$// ; return $buffer ; } sub folder { my $self = shift ; return $self->{TEXBASE} || '' ; } sub name { # Can be set by X'02' triplet my $self = shift ; $self->{NAME} = shift if @_ ; $self->{NAME} = "NONAME" unless (exists($self->{NAME})); return $self->{NAME} ; } sub validate { my $self = ref($_[0]) ; return ( 251, "MO:DCA $self object can't be validated" ); } sub create { my $self = ref($_[0]) ; return ( 252, "MO:DCA $self object can't be created" ); } sub DESTROY { &DOWNSTAT('MODCA-IN-MEM'); &MAXMINSTAT('MODCA-AGE',&ms() - $_[0]->{BORN}); } &Debug("Module " . __PACKAGE__ . " v$VERSION loaded"); &Debug(__PACKAGE__."->IDENTS: ".join(", ",keys(%{$IDENTS}))); 1;