#! /usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (c) 2004-2007 - Consultas, PKG.fr # # This file is part of A2P. # # A2P is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # A2P is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with A2P; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # $Id: dbm-status-tools.pl 3 2007-10-18 16:20:19Z g $ # use strict ; use Time::HiRes qw( usleep gettimeofday tv_interval) ; use Fcntl qw(:flock); use GDBM_File ; use Storable qw( freeze thaw ); use Data::Dumper; use A2P::Globals ; use A2P::Status ; use A2P::JobStatus ; my $jobstatus_base = A2P::JobStatus::dbm_base() ; $LOCKID = shift @ARGV if @ARGV ; my $gdbm = ( $LOCKID =~ /^\// and -e $LOCKID )? $LOCKID : $jobstatus_base . $LOCKID ; # Check file is really a dbm file with 'file' command my @control = qx/file $gdbm/ =~ /(dbm).*(database)/i ; unless ( -e $gdbm and @control == 2 ) { die "File $gdbm not found\n" . "First argument must be the LOCKID for which you to manage status\n" ; } print "Reading $gdbm memory file (".(-s $gdbm).")\n" ; my %gdbm ; sub error { map { print "$_\n" } @_ ; return 0 ; } my $LCK ; my ( $uid, $gid ); sub get_gdbm { return error("File $gdbm doesn't exist") unless -e $gdbm ; my @stat = stat $gdbm ; ( $uid, $gid ) = @stat[4..5] ; open $LCK, '>', $gdbm . '.LCK' or return error("Can't open " . $gdbm . ".LCK locking file: $!"); flock $LCK, LOCK_EX or return error("Can't lock on " . $gdbm . ".LCK: $!"); tie %gdbm, "GDBM_File", $gdbm, GDBM_WRITER, 0666 or return error("Can't tie $gdbm gdbm: $!"); 1 ; } sub release_gdbm { untie %gdbm ; flock $LCK, LOCK_UN ; close($LCK); chown $uid, $gid, $gdbm ; } sub dump_status { my $this = shift or return "" ; my $dirty = "_".$this->dirty_bit()."_".$this->dirty_bit(3)."____" ; return $this->get_sid_key.": Job ".$this->is_job. " [$this->{STATUS}] step=$this->{STEP}: ". " (".join('',@{$this->{STATE}}).") [Rev$this->{REV}; Sid:$this->{SID} ;" ." dirty bits: $dirty ]" ; } sub confirm { print "Are you sure to do this [y/N] ?" ; my $response = lc(getc); print "\n" ; return $response eq 'y' ? 1 : 0 ; } # Prepare cache and A2P::Status privates my $cache = { __GDBM_WRITER__ => 1 }; my $s = new A2P::Status($cache,\%gdbm,'init'); $s->remove_from_cache ; my $quit = 0 ; my $index = -1 ; my $selected = -1 ; my $status ; my $name ; while (!$quit) { sleep 1 and next unless (&get_gdbm()); my @keys = sort(keys(%gdbm)) ; print "===== Service $LOCKID =====\n", "Memory DB keys: ",scalar(@keys)," found\n" ; my %keys = map { $_ => 1 } @keys ; my @lost = () ; my %rev = map { delete $keys{$_} ; /^(.+)_rev$/ ; push @lost , $_ unless (exists($gdbm{$1})); $_ => thaw($gdbm{$_}) } grep { /_rev$/ } @keys ; print "Lost revisions (".scalar(@lost)."): @lost\n" if ( @lost = sort(@lost) ); my %ref = map { delete $keys{$_} ; $_ => $gdbm{$_} } grep { ($gdbm{$_} =~ /^\d+$/ and exists($gdbm{'_SID_'.$gdbm{$_}})) or exists($gdbm{$gdbm{$_}}) } keys(%keys) ; my @ref = sort(keys(%ref)) ; print "References found: ", scalar(@ref), "\n" ; my %status = map { delete $keys{$_} ; $_ => thaw($gdbm{$_}) } grep { $gdbm{$_} =~ /\x04/ } keys(%keys) ; my @status = sort(keys(%status)) ; print "Status found: ", scalar(@status), "\nRevisions found: ", scalar(keys(%rev)), "\n" ; my $count = 2*@status + @ref ; if ( $count == @keys ) { print "Count is coherent\n" ; } else { print "Bad count found: ".(@keys - $count)." more keys found\n" ; } my @unexpected = sort(keys(%keys)) ; print "Not expected keys: @unexpected\n" if @unexpected; my $_SID_count = grep { /^_SID_(\d+)$/ } keys(%status) ; my $_SID_rev_count = grep { /^_SID_(\d+)_rev$/ } keys(%rev) ; print "_SID_# count: $_SID_count (+$_SID_rev_count _rev)\n" ; &release_gdbm() ; if ($selected>=0) { $name = $status[$selected] ; $status = $status{$name} ; } elsif ($selected > $#status) { $selected = $#status ; $name = $status[$selected] ; $status = $status{$name} ; } unless (defined($status[$selected]) and $name == $status[$selected]) { $selected = -1 ; $name = $status = undef ; } # Actions my $a = 0 ; while (!$quit) { print "\n", "q -> Quit l -> list jobs m -> list refs \n", "r -> Refresh e -> evaluation j -> select a job \n", "s -> Shrink dbm d -> delete job v -> validate job \n", "a -> list job refs x -> dump dbm keys u -> unselect job \n", "t -> list twin jobs \n", "f -> Flush lost/unexpected or done \n", "[0-9] -> select a job n/p -> next/previous indexed jobs list \n" unless ( $a ++ % 5 ); if ($index>=0) { print "Current index = $index\n" ; for my $i ( 0..9 ) { if (defined($status[$index+$i]) and exists($status{$status[$index+$i]})) { my $this = $status{$status[$index+$i]} ; print "$i - ",dump_status($this),"\n" ; } elsif (defined($status[$index+$i])) { print "$i - Unavailable ",$status[$index+$i],"\n" ; } } } print "DB memory file size: ".(-s $gdbm)."\n" ; print "Selected job '$name': ", dump_status($status), "\n", Dumper($status), "('$name' selected, type 'u' to unselect it)\n" if (defined($name) and defined($status)); print "Command ? " ; system "stty", '-icanon', 'eol', "\001"; my $key = lc(getc) ; print "\n" ; $quit ++ if ($key eq 'q'); # Quit last if ($key eq 'r'); # Refresh if ($key eq 'j') { print "Job: " ; system "stty", 'icanon', 'eol', '^@' ; my $job = ; chomp($job); if (exists($status{$job})) { $status = $status{$job} ; } else { print "$job doesn't exists\n"; } } elsif ($key eq 'u') { undef $name ; undef $status ; $selected = -1 ; } elsif ($key eq 'e') { print "Evaluation: " ; system "stty", 'icanon', 'eol', '^@' ; my $eval = ; chomp($eval); print eval $eval, "\n" ; } elsif ($key eq 'v' and defined($name) and defined($status)) { get_gdbm ; if (tied(%gdbm) and confirm) { $status->{STATUS} = 'DONE' ; $status->{STATE}->[12] = 'o' ; $status->{REV} += 100 ; $status->set_dirty_bit(3) ; $status->cache_timer ; $gdbm{$name} = freeze($status) ; } release_gdbm ; last ; # Refresh } elsif ($key eq 'd' and defined($name) and defined($status)) { get_gdbm ; $status->remove_from_tied_hash if (tied(%gdbm) and confirm); release_gdbm ; # Select next $selected += $selected < $#status ? 1 : -1 ; $status = $status{$status[$selected]} ; $name = $status[$selected] ; last ; # Refresh } elsif ($key eq 'f') { get_gdbm ; if (tied(%gdbm) and confirm) { if (@lost or @unexpected) { map { print '*' ; delete $gdbm{$_} } @lost ; map { print '+' ; delete $gdbm{$_} } @unexpected ; } else { my $stop = 0 ; $SIG{INT} = sub { $stop ++ } ; my $i = 0 ; $| = 1 ; foreach $name (keys(%status)) { $status = $status{$name} ; last if $stop ; if ($status->is_abterm or $status->step_status(12) ne 'o') { print '-' ; } else { delete $gdbm{$name} ; print '*' ; } print ++$i % 100 ? "" : "\n" ; } } print "\n" ; } release_gdbm ; # Remove any selection $selected = -1 ; $status = $name = undef ; last ; # Refresh } elsif ($key eq 'x') { get_gdbm ; print "Warning: You must abort quickly dumping if service is running\n", "Gdbm dump:\n"; my ( $i, $l, $line ) = ( 0, 0, 0 ) ; my @list = sort(keys(%gdbm)) ; foreach $key (@list) { my $L = length($key)>30 ? 1 : 0 ; if ($l or $L) { print "\n" ; $i = 0 ; $l = $L ; $line ++ ; } # Extract comprehensible value my $value = ref($gdbm{$key}) || $gdbm{$key} ; #$value = ref($value) $value = ref(thaw($value)) if ( $value =~ /\x04/ ); # Keep value as a 30 chars length string my $text = sprintf(": %-26s| ",substr($value,0,26)) ; print sprintf("%30s%s",$key,$text); # Avoid to output pres a key message when line=0 if ( ++$i % 3 ) { next ; } else { print "\n" ; $line ++ ; } unless ( $line % 20 ) { print " [ Press any key to continue but [a] to abort the dump ]" ; system "stty", '-icanon', 'eol', "\001"; my $press = lc(getc) ; last if ( $press eq 'a' ); print "\n" ; ( $i, $l ) = ( 0, 0 ) ; } } print "\n" ; release_gdbm ; } elsif ($key eq 't') { print "Twin status:\n"; my ( $twin, $same, $checkcount ) = ( 0, 0, 0 ); my %done = () ; my @list = sort(keys(%status)) ; my $listtotal = 0 ; $| = 1 ; foreach my $check (@list) { foreach my $cmp (grep { ! exists($done{'__'.$check.'__'.$_.'__'}) } @list) { # Don't compare on the same key next if ( $check eq $cmp ); # Don't compare if still compared $done{'__'.$cmp.'__'.$check.'__'} = 1 ; if ( $status{$check} eq $status{$cmp} ) { print "$check and $cmp are twins\n" ; $twin ++ ; } elsif ( $status{$check}->{JOBID} eq $status{$cmp}->{JOBID} ) { print "$check and $cmp are for the same job, but with ", $status{$check}->{REV}, " vs ", $status{$cmp}->{REV}, " revision, and ", $status{$check}->{STEP}, ":'", $status{$check}->step_status($status{$check}->{STEP}), "' vs ", $status{$cmp}->{STEP}, ":'", $status{$cmp}->step_status($status{$cmp}->{STEP}), " step/status\n" ; $same ++ ; } $checkcount ++ ; } print sprintf("%.2f%% \r", ++$listtotal * 100 / @list ); } print "Checks: $checkcount, Twins: $twin, Same job status: $same\n" ; } elsif ($key eq 'l') { print "Job keys:\n"; my $i = 0 ; my @list = sort(keys(%status)) ; foreach $key (@list) { print sprintf("%30s",$key), ++$i % 5 ? " " : "\n" ; } print "\n" if ($i % 5); } elsif ($key eq 'm') { print "Ref keys:\n" ; my $i = 0 ; my @list = sort(keys(%ref)) ; foreach $key (@list) { print sprintf("%20s -> %5s",$key,$ref{$key}), ++$i % 5 ? " | " : "\n" ; } print "\n" if ($i % 5); } elsif ($key eq 'a' and $name) { print "$name references:\n" ; my $i = 0 ; my @list = grep { $ref{$_} eq $name or ($ref{$_} =~ /^\d+$/ and $name eq '_SID_'.$ref{$_}) } sort(keys(%ref)) ; my $list_count = 0 ; my @chained = () ; # Search for chained refs while ( @list + @chained != $list_count ) { push @chained, @list ; $list_count = @chained ; @list = grep { $key = $ref{$_} ; grep { /^$key$/ } @list } sort(keys(%ref)) ; } foreach $key (@chained) { print sprintf("%40s",$key), ++$i % 5 ? " " : "\n" ; } print "\n" if ($i % 5); } elsif ($key eq 'n' or $key eq 'p') { if ( $key eq 'n') { if ($index<0) { $index = 0 ; } elsif (keys(%status)>$index+10) { $index += 10 ; } } elsif ($key eq 'p') { if ($index>10) { $index -= 10 ; } else { $index = 0 ; } } } elsif ($key =~ /^\d$/) { $selected = $index+$key ; $status = $status{$status[$selected]} ; $name = $status[$selected] ; } elsif ($key eq 's') { get_gdbm ; my $tied = tied(%gdbm) ; $tied->reorganize if (defined($tied) and confirm); release_gdbm ; } } # End while actions } system "stty", 'icanon', 'eol', '^@' ;