#! /usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (c) 2004-2007 - Consultas, PKG.fr # # This file is part of A2P. # # A2P is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # A2P is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with A2P; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # $Id: e-adresse.pl 3 2007-10-18 16:20:19Z guillaume $ # # Program to handle service XML structure to send e-mail and return a status # # System libraries use strict; # A2P libraries use A2P::EService::Tools qw( try abort get_conf get_id get_lib get_useragent get_work ); use A2P::EService::SimpleXML ; BEGIN { our $REVISION = sprintf "%s", q$Rev: 906 $ =~ /(\d[0-9.]+)\s+/ ; } our $REVISION ; # Step 0: Read configuration and load libraries my ( $service ) = $0 =~ m|([^/.]+)(\.pl)*$| ; # Expected lists in configuration my @getfromconf = qw( timeout SMTP body attachment From To Cc Bcc ) ; try "Reading $service rev$REVISION configuration" ; my $conf = &get_conf( $service, @getfromconf ); abort "Configuration not generated" unless ( ref($conf) =~ /^HASH/i ); try "Loading libraries" ; map { &get_lib(@{$_}) or abort "$_ not found" } ( # Library to use supported version [ "Net::SMTP" => 2.29 ], [ "MIME::Types" => 1.17 ], [ "MIME::Lite" => 3.01 ], [ "Mail::Address" => 1.74 ] ) ; # Step 1: Get pdf file and e-adresse file as job list try "Reading job to do" ; my @job = &get_work() ; try "Checking '@job' work to do" ; abort unless ( @job == 2 and grep { defined and $_ } @job == 2 ); my ( $pdf, $xmlfile ) = @job ; # Step 2: Read e-adresse file and verify its format try "Loading new $service XML file" ; my $xml = new A2P::EService::SimpleXML($xmlfile); abort "Bad '$xmlfile' XML file" unless ( defined($xml) and $xml ); my $name = $xml->name ; abort "Unexpected '$name' root node for $xmlfile" unless ( $name =~ /^eadresse$/ ); # Read attributs for the mail try "Reading mail attributs" ; my $xmlid = $xml->attribut('id') ; my $importance = $xml->attribut('importance') || 'normal' ; my $sensitivity = $xml->attribut('sensitivity') || 'normal' ; my $notification = $xml->attribut('notification') || 'no' ; my $confirmation = $xml->attribut('confirmation') || 'none' ; # Read recipients try "Reading mail recipients" ; my @from = $xml->nodes( 'rcpt', { type => qr/^from$/ }, 'name' ); my @to = $xml->nodes( 'rcpt', { type => qr/^to|$/ }, 'name' ); my @cc = $xml->nodes( 'rcpt', { type => qr/^cc$/ }, 'name' ); my @bcc = $xml->nodes( 'rcpt', { type => qr/^bcc$/ }, 'name' ); # Basic checks on recipients try "Checking From recipient" ; abort "Only one From recipient supported" unless ( @from < 2 ); abort "No From recipient found" unless @from ; try "Checking To recipients" ; abort "No To recipient found" unless @to ; # Recomposition foreach my $key (qw(From To Cc Bcc)) { my $keyconf = $conf->{$key} ; next unless (defined($keyconf) and ref($keyconf) =~ /^HASH/i); next unless (defined($keyconf->{active}) and $keyconf->{active}); my @address = grep { defined } ( $keyconf->{address}, { name => $keyconf->{name} } ); abort "Bad $key reconfiguration with '@address'" unless ( @address == 2 ); $keyconf->{replace} = 1 if ( $key eq 'From' ); if (defined($keyconf->{replace}) and $keyconf->{replace}) { eval '@' . lc($key) . ' = ( \@address )' ; } else { eval 'push @' . lc($key) . ', \@address' ; } } # Sub to recompose recipient in RFC standard sub recipient { return $_[0] unless ( ref($_[0]) =~ /^ARRAY/i ); my ( $content, $attributs ) = @{$_[0]} ; my $name = exists($attributs->{name}) ? $attributs->{name} : "" ; return $content unless ($name); my $address = new Mail::Address( $name, $content) ; return $address->format ; } # Advanced check of recipients try "Scanning recipients" ; @from = map { &recipient($_) } @from ; @to = map { &recipient($_) } @to ; @cc = map { &recipient($_) } @cc ; @bcc = map { &recipient($_) } @bcc ; # Read subject and text of the mail try "Getting subject" ; my @subject = $xml->nodes( 'subject' ); try "Checking subject" ; abort "Only one subject supported" unless ( @subject < 2 ); abort "No subject found" unless @subject ; # Extract the subject my ( $subject ) = @subject ; chomp $subject ; abort "Subject must not contain line feed" if ( $subject =~ /\n/ms ); # This last call must be done after nodes calls to avoid getting the content of # nodes in the body. try "Getting mail body" ; my @body = $xml->nodes( 'body' ); try "Checking mail body" ; abort "Only one body node supported" unless ( @body < 2 ); abort "No body found" unless @body ; my ( $body ) = @body ; # Set unique id for this mail and user-agent my $mailid = &get_id( $xmlid ) ; my $user_agent = &get_useragent() ; # Step 3: Prepare the mail and attach the PDF to the mail try "Preparing the mail" ; # Legal values my %supported = ( Disposition => {'inline' => 1, 'attachment' => 1}, Type => {'multipart/mixed' => 1 , 'text/plain' => 1, 'application/pdf' => 1}, Encoding => {'7bit' => 1, '8bit' => 1, 'quoted-printable' => 0, 'base64' => 1}, Charset => {'iso-8859-1' => 1, 'UTF-8' => 1}, Importance => {'low' => 1, 'normal' => 1, 'high'=> 1}, Sensitivity => {'normal' => 1, 'confidential' => 'Company-Confidential', 'private' => 'Private', 'personal' => 'Personal'}, Notification => {'no' => 1, 'yes' => 1}, Confirmation => { 'no' => 1, 'none' => 1, 'yes' => 1 } ); # Preparing headers my ( $from ) = @from; my $mail = MIME::Lite -> new ( From => $from, To => \@to, Cc => \@cc, Bcc => \@bcc, Subject => $subject, Type => 'multipart/mixed', 'Message-ID' => $mailid, 'User-Agent:' => $user_agent, 'Return-Path' => $from ); # Preparing optionnal headers abort "Bad xml attribute importance: $importance" unless(exists($supported{Importance} -> {$importance}) and $supported{Importance} -> {$importance}); $mail -> add('Importance' => $importance) unless($importance eq 'normal'); abort "Bad xml attribute sensitivity: $sensitivity" unless(exists($supported{Sensitivity} -> {$sensitivity}) and $supported{Sensitivity} -> {$sensitivity}); $mail -> add('Sensitivity' => $supported{Sensitivity} -> {$sensitivity}) unless($sensitivity eq 'normal'); abort "Bad xml attribute notification: $notification" unless(exists($supported{Notification} -> {$notification}) and $supported{Notification} -> {$notification}); $mail -> add('Return-Receipt-To' => $from) unless($notification eq 'no'); abort "Bad xml attribute confirmation: $confirmation" unless(exists($supported{Confirmation} -> {$confirmation}) and $supported{Confirmation} -> {$confirmation}); $mail -> add('Disposition-Notification-To' => $from) unless($confirmation eq 'no' or $confirmation eq 'none'); # Preparing and attach body message my $attr = $conf -> {body}; my $dispo = defined($attr -> {disposition})? $attr -> {disposition}:'inline'; abort "Bad conf for mail disposition: $dispo" unless(exists($supported{Disposition} -> {$dispo}) and $supported{Disposition} -> {$dispo}); my $type = defined($attr -> {type})?$attr -> {type}:'TEXT'; abort "Bad conf for mail type: $type" unless(exists($supported{Type} -> {$type}) and $supported{Type} -> {$type}); my $encoding = defined($attr -> {encoding})? $attr -> {encoding}:'8bit'; abort "Bad conf for mail encoding: $encoding" unless(exists($supported{Encoding} -> {$encoding}) and $supported{Encoding} -> {$encoding}); my $charset = defined($attr -> {charset})? $attr -> {charset}:'iso-8859-1'; abort "Bad conf for mail charset: $charset" unless(exists($supported{Charset} -> {$charset}) and $supported{Charset} -> {$charset}); my $msg = MIME::Lite -> new ( Disposition => $dispo, Type => $type, Encoding => $encoding, Data => $body, ); $msg -> attr('content-type.charset' => $charset); $mail -> attach($msg); # Attach the PDF my ( $filename ) = $pdf =~ m|([^/]*)$|; my $attachment = $conf -> {attachment}; unless (defined($attachment->{skip}) and $attachment->{skip}) { $dispo = defined($attachment -> {disposition})? $attachment -> {disposition}:'inline'; abort "Bad conf for attachment disposition: $dispo" unless(exists($supported{Disposition} -> {$dispo}) and $supported{Disposition} -> {$dispo}); $type = defined($attachment -> {type})? $attachment -> {type}:'application/pdf'; abort "Bad conf for attachment type: $type" unless(exists($supported{Type} -> {$type}) and $supported{Type} -> {$type}); $encoding = defined($attachment -> {encoding})? $attachment -> {encoding}:'base64'; abort "Bad conf for attachment encoding: $encoding" unless(exists($supported{Encoding} -> {$encoding}) and $supported{Encoding} -> {$encoding}); # By default, we are trying to extract name from subject using # eventually a regex an sprintf template from configuration my $pdfname_re = qr/:\s+([^#]+)\s+#\s+([^#]+)\s+#\s+([^#]+)\s+#/ ; my $pdfname_printf = '%s-%s-%s.pdf' ; if (!defined($attachment -> {name}) or $attachment -> {name} =~ /^from subject$/i) { # Get regexp from conf if available $pdfname_re = $attachment -> {name_re} if (defined($attachment -> {name_re}) and ref($attachment -> {name_re}) =~ /^Regexp/i); # Get template name if available $pdfname_printf = $attachment -> {name_printf} if (defined($attachment -> {name_printf}) and $attachment -> {name_printf} ); my @elements = $subject =~ $pdfname_re ; $filename = sprintf( $pdfname_printf, @elements ); abort "Can't compute valid pdfname from '@elements' and $pdfname_printf" unless ( $filename and $filename =~ /^.+\.pdf$/i ); } $mail -> attach ( Disposition => $dispo, Type => $type, Encoding => $encoding, Path => $pdf, Filename => $filename, ); } # Step 4: Send the mail try "Send the mail" ; $! = 0; my $SMTP = $conf->{SMTP} ; my %supported_smtp = ( 'smtp' => 1 , 'sub' => 1 , 'sendmail' => 1 ); abort "No server defined" unless ( defined($conf -> {SMTP}) and $conf -> {SMTP} ); our $host = "" ; my $sent = 0 ; my @send_errors = () ; $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { my ( $mesg ) = "@_" =~ /^(.*) at \(eval.*$/ms ; push @send_errors, $host . ": $mesg" ; } ; # Check also the order my @types = grep { exists($supported_smtp{$_}) and $supported_smtp{$_} } keys %{$SMTP} ; abort "No supported type in configuration" unless @types ; if (exists($SMTP->{order})) { my @order = @{$SMTP->{order}} ; my @newlist = () ; while (@order) { my $next = shift @order ; push @newlist, $next if ( grep { /^$next$/ } @types ); } # Check we still have the same number of types abort "Bad order list in configuration" unless ( @newlist == @types ); @types = @newlist ; } foreach my $type ( @types ) { my $server = $SMTP -> {$type}; foreach $host (keys %{$server}) { if ($type eq 'smtp') { my $port = $server -> {$host} || 25 ; $sent ++ and last if eval '$mail->send($type, $host, Port => $port)' ; } elsif ($type eq 'sendmail') { my @args = @{$server -> {$host}} ; $sent ++ and last if eval '$mail->send($type, @args)' ; } elsif ($type eq 'sub') { my $sub = $server -> {$host} ; $sent ++ and last if eval '$mail->send($type, $sub, $host)' ; } } last if $sent ; } abort "@send_errors" unless $sent ; # Step 5: Report status exit(0);