# # Copyright (c) 2004-2007 - Consultas, PKG.fr # # This file is part of A2P. # # A2P is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # A2P is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with A2P; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # $Id$ # # Class to implement print object # package AFPDS::PTCA; use strict; use Encode 'from_to'; use A2P::Globals ; use A2P::Syslog; use A2P::Tools qw(debugbuffer compute); use A2P::Common qw(validate); BEGIN { our $VERSION = sprintf "%s", q$Rev: 986 $ =~ /(\d[0-9.]+)\s+/ ; } our $VERSION ; # Doc ref. from 'Data Stream and Object Architectures - # Presentation Text Object Content Architecture Reference.pdf' my %command = ( 0xE6 => 'DBR' , # Draw B-axis Rule, p. 58 0xE4 => 'DIR' , # Draw I-axis Rule, p. 60 0xD2 => 'AMB' , # Absolute Move Baseline, p. 51 0xD4 => 'RMB' , # Relative Move Baseline, p. 69 0xC6 => 'AMI' , # Absolute Move Inline, p. 53 0xC8 => 'RMI' , # Relative Move Inline, p. 71 0xF0 => 'SCFL', # Set Coded Font Local, p. 77 ); # Update table to avoid eval compilation at runtime my @keys = keys( %command ); foreach my $key ( @keys ) { $command{$key+0x100} = eval '\&' . $command{$key} ; } sub new { &Debug("new AFPDS::PTCA v$VERSION"); my $class = shift ; my $self = { BUFFER => shift, FONT => "" }; return bless $self , $class ; } sub isValid { my $self = shift ; # Return validity cached value return $self->{VALIDITY} if (defined($self->{VALIDITY})); my $check = &compute( \$self->{BUFFER} , 0 , 1 ); # PTX prefix+class pair = 0x2BD3 if ( $check != 0x2B or length( $self->{BUFFER} ) < 1 ) { # Skip not used PTX if ( length( $self->{BUFFER} ) == 0 or ( $check == 0 and length( $self->{BUFFER} ) == 1 )) { &Debug("PTX field seems not used"); return $self->{VALIDITY} = -1 ; } else { &Warn("PTX Field is badly formated (should begin with 0x2B)"); } return $self->{VALIDITY} = 0 ; } $check = &compute( \$self->{BUFFER} , 1 , 1 ); if ( $check != 0xD3 ) {# PTX prefix+class pair &Error("PTX Field is badly formated (should begin with 0x2BD3)"); return $self->{VALIDITY} = 0 ; } return $self->{VALIDITY} = 1 ; } sub getTex { my $self = shift ; my $TeXCode = "\\PAGEPUT{\\XX}{\\YY}{\\xCP=0pt\\yCP=0pt% PTCA Object\n" ; my $cmdlong = 1 ; my $text = 0 ; for ( my $i = 2 ; $i < length( $self->{BUFFER} ) ; $i += $cmdlong ) { if ( $text ) { my $j ; # Found the next operation as end of text for ( $j = $i ; $j < length( $self->{BUFFER} ) ; $j ++ ) { last if ( &compute( \$self->{BUFFER} , $j , 2 ) == 0x2BD3 ) ; } $cmdlong = $j - $i ; my $buffer = substr( $self->{BUFFER} , $i , $cmdlong ) ; &debugbuffer( $buffer ); &from_to( $buffer , $FROM_CONVERT , $TO_CONVERT ) if ($DO_CONVERT); # Second argument is used to disable space stripping in &validate &validate( \$buffer , 1 ); &Debug("Got text '$buffer'"); $TeXCode .= "\\PTCATEXT{$buffer}%\n" ; $cmdlong += 2 ; # To skip the prefix+class pair $text = 0 ; next ; } $cmdlong = &compute( \$self->{BUFFER} , $i , 1 ); my $type = &compute( \$self->{BUFFER} , $i+1 , 1 ); if ( defined($command{$type & 0xFE})) { my $Type = $type & 0xFE ; &Debug("Got command type $command{$Type} with length $cmdlong"); $TeXCode .= $command{$Type + 0x100}( $self, $i+2, $cmdlong); $TeXCode .= "%\tis PTCA $command{$Type}\n" ; } else { &Warn(sprintf( "Got unsupported PTCA command type 0x%02X with length %d", $type, $cmdlong )); } # End of command: Maybe some text is comming $text = 1 if ($type & 1) == 0 ; } return $TeXCode . "}%" ; } sub DBR { my ( $self , $k , $long ) = @_ ; my $rlength = $self->getlen( $k ) ; my $rwidth = 1 ; if ( $long == 7 ) { $rwidth = $self->getlen( $k + 2 ) ; $rwidth /= 2 ^ &compute( \$self->{BUFFER} , $k+4 , 1 ); } my $offset = "" ; my $correction = "\\advance\\xCP by" . $self->PELS( abs($rwidth) ) ; if ( $rlength < 0 ) { $rlength = abs($rlength) ; $offset .= "\\advance\\yCP by-" . $self->PELS( $rlength ) . "%\n" ; $correction .= "\\advance\\yCP by" . $self->PELS( abs($rlength) ) ; } if ( $rwidth < 0 ) { $rwidth = abs($rwidth) ; $offset .= "\\advance\\xCP by-" . $self->PELS( $rwidth ) . "%\n" ; } &Debug("Draw B-axis Rule with length $rlength PELS and width $rwidth PELS"); return $offset . "\\PTCAPUT{\\vrule height" . $self->PELS( $rlength ) . " depth0pt width" . $self->PELS( $rwidth ) . "}" . $correction ; } sub DIR { my ( $self , $k , $long ) = @_ ; my $rlength = $self->getlen( $k ) ; my $rwidth = 1 ; if ( $long == 7 ) { $rwidth = $self->getlen( $k + 2 ) ; $rwidth /= 2 ^ &compute( \$self->{BUFFER} , $k+4 , 1 ); } my $offset = "" ; my $correction = "\\advance\\yCP by" . $self->PELS( abs($rwidth) ) ; if ( $rlength < 0 ) { $rlength = abs($rlength) ; $offset .= "\\advance\\xCP by-" . $self->PELS( $rlength ) . "%\n" ; $correction .= "\\advance\\xCP by" . $self->PELS( $rlength ) ; } if ( $rwidth < 0 ) { $rwidth = abs($rwidth) ; $offset .= "\\advance\\yCP by-" . $self->PELS( $rwidth ) . "%\n" ; } &Debug("Draw I-axis Rule with length $rlength PELS and width $rwidth PELS"); return $offset . "\\PTCAPUT{\\vrule height" . $self->PELS( $rwidth ) . " depth0pt width" . $self->PELS( $rlength ) . "}" . $correction ; } sub AMB { my ( $self , $k , $long ) = @_ ; my $pos = $self->getlen( $k ) ; &Debug("Set position along B-axis to $pos PELS"); return "\\yCP=" . $self->PELS( $pos ) ; } sub RMB { my ( $self , $k , $long ) = @_ ; my $move = $self->getlen( $k ) ; &Debug("Move along B-axis for $move PELS"); return "\\advance\\yCP by" . $self->PELS( $move ) ; } sub AMI { my ( $self , $k , $long ) = @_ ; my $pos = $self->getlen( $k ) ; &Debug("Set position along I-axis to $pos PELS"); return "\\xCP=" . $self->PELS( $pos ) ; } sub RMI { my ( $self , $k , $long ) = @_ ; my $move = $self->getlen( $k ) ; &Debug("Move along I-axis for $move PELS"); return "\\advance\\xCP by" . $self->PELS( $move ) ; } sub getFont { my $self = shift ; return $self->{FONT} ; } sub SCFL { my ( $self , $k , $long ) = @_ ; my $FontRef = "" ; my $font = &compute( \$self->{BUFFER} , $k , 1 ) ; unless ( -- $font =~ /^\d+$/ ) { &Error("Unsupported '$font' SCFL PTCA object"); $font = 0 ; } for ( split( // , $font ) ) { $FontRef .= chr( 65 + $_ ) ; } &Debug("PTCA SCFL selects font TRC '$FontRef'"); return $self->{FONT} = "\\FONtTrc" . $FontRef ; } sub PELS { my ( $self , $PELS ) = @_ ; # PEL size: 0.501875 for 72.27/144, 0.301125 for 72.27/240, 0.3 for 72/240 my $pt_by_PELS = 0.301125 ; # units = pt/pels my $P = 6 ; # Precision: how many numbers after point my $value = sprintf("%.${P}f" , $PELS * $pt_by_PELS ); $value =~ s/.0{$P}$// ; $value =~ s/0+$// if ( $value != 0 ); &Debug("${PELS} PELS converted to ${value} pt"); return $value . "pt" ; } sub getlen { my ( $self , $index ) = @_ ; my ( $first , $second ) = ( ord( substr($self->{BUFFER} , $index , 1 )) , ord( substr($self->{BUFFER} , $index + 1 , 1 )) ); my $len = $first * 256 + $second; $len -= 0x10000 if ( $len > 0x7FFF ); # This is a signed number &Debug(sprintf("Len %X%X converted to $len",$first,$second)); return $len ; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; my $err = shift; # Free arrays memory map { $self->{$_} = () if (ref($self->{$_}) eq 'ARRAY' ) } keys(%{$self}); if (defined($err)) { &Error("PTCA object $self->{OUTFILE} destroyed with error #" . $err); } else { &Debug("PTCA object $self->{OUTFILE} destroyed"); } } &Debug("Module " . __PACKAGE__ . " v$VERSION loaded"); 1;